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Sign Up/In with USCGAUX
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Flotilla 1-6 Uniform Information

Uniform Distribution Center (UDC) is online at:


Your Employee I.D. number (EMPLID) or Auxiliary Member number is required to purchase items (Social Security Numbers are not accepted). Customer Service Reps are not allowed to provide you your EMPLID due to possible security risks.

Purchases are shipped by USPS Priority Mail at no cost to you. After ordering, please allow 10-14 business days for order receipt.

Personal Email Orders

Individuals may email their orders to the UDC 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays. You must utilize the Personal Email Order Form to enter all required information, then email the completed form (in MS Excel format) to

It is strongly encouraged that you send this form from a .mil account, if possible, and not from a commercial email service provider. You will not receive a confirmation email, but as long as you include your email address on the order form, then you will be emailed once your order has been shipped.

Payment may be made by your personal credit cards or by the Charge-To-Pay method (Charge-To-Pay available for Coast Guard Active Duty only). The UDC accepts Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express.

Personal Phone Orders

Telephone orders may normally be placed from 0800 to 1500, Monday-Friday, Eastern Standard Time, excluding Federal holidays. To reduce your phone holding time, have a list of items needed and your specific measurements. You can use the to ensure you have all required information prior to calling.

Note: When you call the UDC Orders line, you will enter the UDC phone system tree. You may experience slight static on the line. When you make a selection, it may sound like the call is disconnecting, due to the slow CG phone system, but the call is actually just being transferred. If you have not been connected within 15 seconds, please hang up and try again. If all CSRs are busy, we will answer your call in the order in which it was received.

Prior to calling, be prepared with:
7 -digit CG Employee ID (EMPLID) number.
Payment information (if paying by credit card, have your card ready).
Look at the product catalogue to find the items you need. If you don't know which items you need, ask your supervisor.
Use the measurement charts found in the product catalogue and know the exact size of each item that you need.
Please call 800-874-6841 (toll-free) or commercial: 609-861-1221

After ordering, please allow 10-14 business days for order receipt.